Beetle Pest Control In United States
Beetle solid and waterproof wings, called elytra, resemble a shell more than wings and have a rugged appearance. They provide defence against harm and dehydration. Beetles come in a wide variety of varieties. Many times, beetles are mistaken for cockroaches. Give us a call if beetles or any other insects reappear between visits, and we will return at no extra charge. How can you eradicate beetles from your house? For prompt beetle control and a free quotation, contact PestControlMyArea Pest Management. Beetles are a diverse range of shapes and sizes with two sets of wings, live for only a year or so, and could be better flyers. Furthermore, because of their poor vision, beetles must communicate by pheromones, sounds, or vibrations.We at PestControlMyArea Pest Management have great expertise and understanding regarding beetle management. As a local business, we know the specific beetle that may be causing you problems depending on where you live. Our knowledgeable pest control specialists will care for them and protect your household. Each time we treat your property, we check for activity in the harborage areas and treat the house to prevent more beetle problems. Contact Pest Control IN My Area knowledgeable beetle exterminators if beetles overrun your property!

Types of Beetles In United States
Below is list of Beetle Usually Found Throghout USA,
Ladybugs: Common little beetles range from 8 to 18 mm and are helpful predators in home gardens. Aphids, beetle larvae, and other soft-bodied plant-eating insects, together with leaves and fungi, are among their omnivorous diet.
Weevils : The most prevalent beetle is the weevil, which has about 100,000 species, 2,500 of which are found in the US and Canada. As one of the most destructive beetles, weevils frequently inflict considerable crop damage and contaminate stored grains, in contrast to other bugs that may be relatively beneficial.
Scarabs : Around 30,000 species of scarabs can be found worldwide, with about 1,400 of those species occurring in the United States. Scarabs are a vast category of beetles. Because scarabs are the personification of the Egyptian sun deity Ra, they are most famous for being portrayed in films about ancient Egypt.
Dung Beetles : Dung beetles range in size from 5 to 30 mm and can be found worldwide. They live in burrows made of various species’ dung and solely consume excrement. Most species have brown or black exoskeletons, although some have more vivid metallic ones.
June Beetles : The June beetle is A common scarab found throughout the eastern United States and Canada. Their body and wings, which range from reddish brown to black, help identify them. They are pretty big, reaching lengths of 12 to 25 mm, and are frequently observed congregating in areas with strong lights. Opt for Pest Control Service to remove such bugs .
Japanese Beetles : If these beetles are not controlled, the plants will swiftly die off as the adults devour the flowers and leaves, and the larvae consume the roots. They have green bodies and heads and lustrous wings the colour of copper. Maximum length of 15 mm. They may quickly infest a broad region due to their exceptional flying abilities.
Hercules Beetles : These enormous beetles are among the biggest in the world and can be found across the Americas. They are also frequently referred to as rhinoceros beetles because of their vast, projecting horns, which erupt from their heads and allow them to grow to a maximum length of 50 to 85 mm. They also have a dark head and vertically moving horn-like pincers. Hercules beetles are harmless to humans despite their intimidating appearance and massive size.
Grapevine Beetles : Another scarab beetle that can reach a maximum size of 1.7 to 3 cm is the grapevine beetle, which can be recognized by its shell’s bright orange or auburn colour with black dots or lines.
Figeater Beetles : Figeater beetles are distinguished by their vast, shiny green bodies and vivid orange sides. Maximum lengths of up to 3.2 cm. They are typically observed flying around in people’s yards, mulch piles, and compost piles in search of rotting food.
Ground Beetles : There are about 2,000 species of ground beetles in North America out of approximately 40,000 worldwide. They can range from 1 to 66 mm long and have a shiny or metallic black shell, the most frequent colour. They are frequently confused for cockroaches. However, they differ since they live underground, beneath rocks, leaves, and other detritus. They can produce powerful excretions and have ridged wing covers as a kind of defence. They are also hunters, consuming many other insects such as worms, snails, slugs, and ants. Tiger and bombardier beetles are two widespread ground beetles found throughout North America.
Tiger Beetles : There are thousands of different species of ground beetles, of which tigers are just one. There are over 2,600 species of tiger beetles in this division, and they can be distinguished by their long, curved jaws and metallic shells.
Bombardier Beetles : They can combine two different caustic chemicals in a chamber inside their body to a boiling temperature, then discharge the mixture from their tail toward a possible threat or meal. This mixture can burn human skin and kill smaller insects it feeds on. These red-and-black beetles usually measure less than 2.5 cm. They are everywhere, lurking behind leaves and rocks, for example.
Fiery Searcher Beetles : One type of ground beetle notable for its caterpillar-hunting behaviour is the fiery searcher beetle. Their metallic green wings and bright blue body and head help to identify them, and they can grow up to be 25–35 mm long. They are skilled nocturnal hunters who target harmful pests for their meals. They employ an intriguing defensive technique whereby they eject an oil with a putrid, rotten milk-like scent.
Leaf Beetles : Another famous beetle is the leaf, which has 2,000 species in North America and over 37,000 species globally. Leaf beetles will eat plant stems, flowers, pollen, shoots, seeds, and roots in addition to their preferred diet of leaves. With their ravenous appetites, leaf beetles can decimate area plants and bushes when their numbers are high enough.
Potato Beetles : Beetles, known as “potato bugs”, are native to Mexico and the United States. Their vivid orange or yellow wings with ten black stripes help to identify them as they grow to reach between 6 and 11 mm in size.
Striped Cucumber Beetles : This pest may wreak havoc on pumpkins, melons, and cucumbers. They attack these plants in two ways: the grubs eat the roots and shoots of a plant, while the adults feed on the leaves and flowers. These beetles may swiftly destroy a garden if they get out of control.
Skin Beetles : Their bodies are lengthy, measuring from 10 to 25 mm and coloured red, brown, and black.
Carpet Beetles : The larvae of carpet beetles are initially wrapped in thick bristles and feed on wool, textiles, linens, carpets, and even decomposing and dried-out organic debris. Despite the common misconception that adult beetles consume these materials, harm to these materials is only caused by their larvae. The issue is that the larval stage can endure up to three years in certain carpet beetle species. There are about 200 different kinds of carpet beetles, and the most prevalent species in North America can be distinguished by its long, oval, black shell, which is between 3 and 5 mm in diameter.
Jewel Beetles : Jewel beetles will target live trees and inflict enough damage to eventually destroy the tree, unlike other wood-boring organisms that prefer to feed on decaying, dead, or expiring trees. North America is home to more than 700 species, the most well-known and destructive of which is the invasive emerald ash borer beetle.
Emerald Ash Borer Beetles : Their length ranges from 26 to 32 mm. Due to their tremendous invasiveness, these beetles have the potential to destroy entire forests quickly. These wood-boring beetles attack ash trees in the absence of actual predators, which eventually leads to the extinction of healthy trees.
Long Horned Beetles : In the US and Canada, there are about 900 distinct species of long-horned beetles, with sizes ranging from 2 mm to 6 cm. They got their moniker because of their incredibly long antennae.
Sawyer Beetles: Longhorn beetles, or sawyer beetles, consume pines and coniferous trees as their food source. They have lengthy antennae and are between 40 and 65 mm long, making them difficult to spot due to their ability to blend in with their surroundings. Their larvae are wood-boring organisms that eat dead and decaying trees, typically found in thickly forested places. These destructive pests can potentially destroy many trees and harm or destroy wood, rendering it unfit for commercial use.
Carrion Beetles : Because they are known to burrow under the skin of deceased animals, where they consume the flesh before laying their eggs, carrion beetles are also known as burying beetles. These beetles have 9 to 30 mm wings, which they use to get to their next meal. With more than 20 different species, they are widespread in North America.
Rove Beetles : Common beetles, or rove beetles, are a family member that includes around 63,000 species worldwide, 4,100 of which are found in North America. Due to their preference for humid habitats, these beetles are more prevalent in the country’s Southeast, particularly surrounding lakes, rivers, and ponds. Their diet is comprised of plants, insects, fungi, and decomposing organic materials like carrion and excrement.
Scarlet Lily Beetle : Scarlet lily beetles love to feed on the leaves of lily blooms, as their name suggests. The most typical indication of these pests is wilted flowers and damaged leaves on lily plants. These are little beetles measuring 6 and 8 mm in length, with vivid red wings, black legs, and antennae.
Drugstore Beetle : Drugstore beetles are tiny, flying brown beetles with a cylindrical body coated in small hairs. They range in length from 2.25 to 3.5 mm. Because they feed on dried products like bread, cereals, and grains that have been kept, they are also frequently referred to as biscuit bugs or bread beetles. They have also been observed to consume seeds, paper, leather, and spices.
Stag Beetles : The most frequent way to identify stag beetles is by their vast pincers, which resemble a stag deer’s horns. Measuring from 5 to 12 centimetres, they are generally on the larger side and are coloured either black or brown.
Soldier Beetles : Over 35,000 different species of soldier beetles may be found worldwide. Their colours can vary from yellow to brown to black, and their lengths can range from 1.5 to 28 mm. Since these beetles can’t fly quickly, they’ve evolved a defence mechanism whereby they discharge a deadly substance called cantharidin from pores all over their bodies.
Blister Beetles : Blister beetles are found in more than 7,500 species worldwide, and their leathery wings and dark colouring can recognize them. They are ravenous omnivores that eat plants and other insects, growing to lengths up to 2.5 cm.
Fireflies : Beetles, known as fireflies, can be distinguished from other beetles by their unusual ability to illuminate their bodies briefly. Nectar or pollen, tiny soft-bodied insects, and other fireflies make up a firefly’s typical d
Click Beetles : Less than 1,000 species are known as click beetles; they are also referred to as skipjacks, elaters, and snapping beetles. The majority of species have longer, brown or black bodies, and they are usually 2 to 3 cm long.
Whirligig Beetles : Among the few bugs that live primarily in water are whirligig beetles. Whirligigs get their name from swimming in circles when they feel threatened, which makes them more challenging to catch and increases the chance of attracting the attention of any adjacent fish. More than 700 species can be distinguished by their 18 mm length, oval, dark body, and clubbed antennae. These beetles consume other insects as well as occasionally nearby little fish.
Beetles Risk And Harm For Home & Family
Among the harmful bugs are the Asian longhorned beetle, an invasive species that can seriously harm trees, and blister beetles, which can release a toxin called cantharidin that can irritate skin and create blisters. Bed Bug Treatment also available .
Beetles consume leaves, roots, stems, seeds, and fruit, causing harm to crops in both large-scale farms and smaller individual gardens. Certain beetles can harm trees, and occasionally entire forests, by depositing their eggs in the bark, where their larvae dig tunnels. Other insects consume or burrow in wooden furniture, wooden building components, and food supplies, causing harm to your home. In the Southeast of the United States, tiny hive bugs cause harm to beehives. In general, beetles pose no threat. Beetles do not bite, do not draw blood, and do not transmit disease to humans. Blister beetles lack stingers and have weak jaws that cannot sever human skin, unlike certain insects. The beetle releases cantharidin, an odourless, colourless chemical, to defend itself against its enemies. This is why you have welts or blisters on your skin.
Cantharidin is not poisonous to human skin despite being highly toxic and dangerous to a blister beetle’s adversaries. On the other hand, localized reactions can occur upon contact with the drug. After a blister beetle creeps across your skin or if you smash one, you can get a blister or welt.
Beetle Prevention and Treatment
Expert teams understand where beetle infestations originate and how to eliminate every last bug without endangering your family’s or your children’s safety. Here are some preventive steps to assist in keeping your homes free of beetles once the treatment has stopped the beetle activity. You’ll need to ensure it stays that way and doesn’t turn into a campsite for beetles or other pests and insects. Never leave crumbs or leftovers on the top of the kitchen counter. Nature and all kinds of insects are drawn to it.
Exterminator Service list of , ,
- Bat Removal
- Bird Removal
- Hornet Removal
- Rat Removal
- Rodent Removal
- Scorpion Removal
- Shunk Removal
- Ants Extermination
- Bed Bug Treatment
- Beetles Extermination
- Cockroach Extermination
- Flea Extermination
- Fumigation
- House Flies Extermination
- Potter Wasps Extermination
- Mosquitoes Extermination
- Rodents Extermination
- Spiders Extermination
- Termite Control
- Termite Inspection
- Termites Control
- Wasps Extermination